Hiring the right person for the job
If you are looking for an electrical contractor in Canberra, chances are you want to hire someone with the most experience. You only hire electrical contractor when the work is detailed and intricate. Whether yours is a commercial or residential project you need to hire an electrical contractors in Canberra who does top quality work. When choosing an electrical contractor make sure to ask them the following questions.
Do they have workers compensation coverage? Do they have a license?
This is one of the most important questions to ask an electrical contractor. However, any contractor who hesitates in answering this question should raise a red flag. After all, a contractor is responsible for the people who work under them and if they don’t carry a workers compensation maybe you shouldn’t be hiring them. In case there is a mishap the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the home owner if the contractor isn’t covered.
Are their licenses up to date?
Not everyone who advertises as being an electrical contractor is registered or licensed. Even if it’s a small project you don’t need to be too relaxed. It is a matter of safety and one which should be looked into carefully. There are latest code requirements which all contractors should be aware of. A contractor who performs quality work always makes sure that they are in touch with all the latest developments and changes in the code of conduct for electrical work. A contractor who adheres to the code and have a current license is the person you should be hiring.
What kind of experience do they have?
If you are looking to get a few simple projects handled by an electrician maybe you wouldn’t consider experience as being quite important. However when it comes to completely rewiring your home or adding cables from scratch, you need someone who has the experience to carry out such sensitive and critical work.
Also an experienced contractor would be able to train the apprentices under them to the best of their ability. All experienced contractors need to complete at least five years working as an apprentice for handling commercial work and at least three years for residential work.
An apprentice under goes both class room training as well as on the job experience. It is only after rigorous training and projects a person can become a certified electrician. Plus they need to keep themselves updated on all latest changes and developments in the codes for electricians.
Are they working locally?
It is always a good idea to hire a contractor who works locally. This way you have access to them easily. If you want to meet them or perhaps call them over for checking a particular issue, it’s quite helpful. Also they make sure to hire locally so they know who exactly would be well suited for the kind of job you require. It’s more about working within the circle and knowing all the right people.